1st Gear.md

Step 1: Install Composer

Okay if your a PHP developer and you don't know what composer is by now (which rock have been hiding under), seriously though checkout this link: https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md

NOTE: From now on I assume you know what composer is and how it works. I am not going to hold your hand the entire way.

Step 2: Choose your Gear

Like other frameworks (this is not a framework) there is no single package to install that gives you access to everything. You need to work out what packages you need.

The reason behind this is that I often see projects that have say the entire Zend Framework installed when they are using only one or two of the classes for example. (Yes I am guilty of this myself)

NOTE: Obviously if one of the packages depends on another composer will take care of that for you. Thats what composer does.

Step 3: Install the Gear

You can see each gear in the left hand tree navigation. Each gear contains a README, this will contain instructions on how to install.

However for the most part it's as simple as running the command:

composer require gears/XXX:*

Where XXX denotes the name of the gear you wish to install.